Sublime Debug Killer

Find debug statements unintentionally left behind in your code

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Sublime Debug Killer

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Find debug statements unintentionally left behind in your code. As developers and web application builders we sometimes have a need to see more information in our code and will write debug statements to get what we need.

Here are some examples in a few languages where you might have debug statements in code:

<!--- ColdFusion --->
<cfset qryResult = someDAO.getSomeData(id=12345) />
<cfdump var="#qryResult#" />
<cfabort />
// JavaScript
resultCallback = function(data) {
   if (data.length) {
      // do stuff...
// PHP
function getData($id) {
   $qryResult = $someDAO->getSomeData($id);

With this plugin press CTRL + ALT + K and you get


The above screenshot indicates that our code had two debug statement candidates. Clicking on either of them will take you to and highlight the line of code.

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