Adam Presley's blog
Added Amazon S3 Browser Widget to Texo
After much work I have completed adding an Amazon S3 Browser widget to Texo CMS. Texo is the engine that I wrote which runs this blog. It is still in its infancy but this widget will certainly make writing my blog posts easier. After setting up Amazon S3 key settings...
JavaScript Functional Goodness Part 3
More and more I am trying to stretch my “functional muscles” any time I have a chance. I’ve been working on an enhancement to my blog engine by adding a button to the editor I am using for editing my Markdown-based posts. This new button, when clicked, will display a...
Click Event Scope in jQuery UI Widget Factory
A little tidbit that I figured out today regarding the scope of this in a jQuery UI dialog button. Actually I feel foolish for not checking the actual value of this sooner, but you can’t win them all. With the creation of the WidgetFactory I’ve been looking at writing my...
Blog Engine - Update 2
Back in November 2013 I released my blog site under a new engine written by me. Before that I had run my site on Blogger for a while, but I grew tired of how sluggish it had become. I felt I could get better performance. So I set out to...
JavaScript Functional Goodness Part 2
A couple of days ago I posted an entry on some basic functional-style programming constructs that I’ve been slowly learning. I am back to post part 2. Here’s the refresher.
JavaScript Functional Goodness Part 1
Slowly I have been trying to learn and work in more functional-style programming constructs into my toolbelt. I’m not doing this for any particularly nefarious reason other than I like to continue to broaden my horizons as often as I can, and I find functional programming concepts difficult, so that...
Want Less Software Errors? Try Rigorous Code Review
Anyone who has been in the software development field for more than a few years, contributing to projects in a team environment, knows that one key stategy for reducing the number of errors in a software application is to implement some type of review/inspection process. Be it an open source...
Resizing Multiple Images Using ImageMagick in Ubuntu
Have you ever needed to resize a bunch of images in bulk? Most of us who do web development, image manipulation, or blogging probably have at some point. If you are running in Ubuntu here is a quick way to do this on the console. $ convert '*.JPG[800x>]' new-name-%03d.jpg The...
July Updates for Sublime Text View In Browser Plugin
As some of you may know I wrote and maintain a plugin for the popular and excellent Sublime Text 2 text editor called View In Browser. To date this is my most popular plugin with 10 forks and 30 stars. Not much compared to some but I am proud that...
Making a Collection Object in PHP
Recently I was working on a bit of code where I had an array of structures (a map or dictionary) that was the result of a query to a database. This data represented a set of statuses, each record with an ID and a status. Imagine it looking something like...