
A little tidbit that I figured out today regarding the scope of this in a jQuery UI dialog button. Actually I feel foolish for not checking the actual value of this sooner, but you can’t win them all. With the creation of the WidgetFactory I’ve been looking at writing my UI widgets using this tool. In fact the search widget on this blog uses the jQuery UI WidgetFactory. Originally I thought I had an issue with scope, but turns out I was mistaken. You see the search widget extends the jQuery UI dialog object and has a button on it. Usually when an event handler is called the scope of this references the DOM element that fired the event. So I assumed that this would reference the button being clicked. Fortunately I was wrong.

When jQuery UI handles a click event on buttons defined in your options object it actually changes the scope of this to the dialog element itself. This is a good thing. Why? Because you may be initializing your widget against multiple matched DOM elements in your jQuery selector, so you need to know which dialog/widget you are working with. So for anyone who may have wondered, there you have it.

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